Professional Advice

  • Our specialty is focused on the legal consultancy that the law firm offers to people interested on making investments on the Ecuadorian electric sector thanks to the experience acquired by having being part of that sector for many years.
  • The consultancy is directed to advise on how to design, formulate and offer the development of different electric generation projects, to obtain permits, granting contracts or licenses, to do so, we offer our consultancy within the reach and application the legal, regulation rules within the electric sector and that is in force in the country.
  • We are in conditions to offer the professional assistance in order that the investor may execute actions to obtain all the guaranties to the investment.

Public Procurement

We are also able to give our professional assistance in those aspects related to the processes of public procurement, as a consequence of the accumulated experience during all the time of service in the public sector, this involves, the consultancy in the revision of the terms for the contests of prices, offers or tenders; proposal development and contracts negotiations.

We offer the consultancy in everything related to matters and themes of administrative nature, immigration law, Visas and themes of environmental nature.